What Are Spider Veins and Why do I Have Them?
Spider veins are tiny veins that occur near the surface of the skin and have an almost spider-like appearance. They result from several reasons, such as trauma, sun exposure, obesity, age, hormones, and heredity. As you age, you’ll notice more of the unsightly veins. They can occur on your legs, face, and chest. Many people find the veins embarrassing and try to hide them with clothing or makeup.
Dr. Daniel Skinner of BioWell Therapeutics in Huntsville, AL offers Alma Harmony XL PRO technology to help with spider vein removal. The Harmony XL PRO is a fully customizable laser and light-based treatment that can dramatically improve the appearance of your skin and treat many conditions. It can reduce the appearance of acne, spider veins, lesions, tattoos, and aging skin.
We encourage you to meet with Dr. Skinner and the team at BioWell Therapeutics to discuss treating spider veins using the Alma Harmony XL PRO. He will examine your skin and create a personalized treatment plan to address your concerns.
Choose Alma Harmony XL PRO spider vein treatment
At BioWell Therapeutics in Huntsville, AL, you can undergo the revolutionaryClearLift™ treatment.
ClearLift effectively treats spider veins and varicose veins. The laser treatment makes the spider veins less noticeable and helps restore your confidence. You might need to undergo only a single treatment or several treatments to remove the appearance of the spider veins. Dr. Skinner will make the determination on the number of needed treatments.
How does the Harmony XL Pro ClearLift treatment work?
The Harmony XL PRO treatments are noninvasive and rely on the power of light wavelengths to effectively target spider veins. The laser creates a substantial amount of heat, which causes the vessel to collapse and fade away. The results are not instantaneous but will develop over time after you undergo the laser treatment.
During treatment, you’ll experience a slightly warm sensation, but it is not considered painful. The Harmony XL PRO system has sensors, which help ensure your comfort during the spider vein treatment.
Many patients report a reduction in the appearance of spider veins after just one treatment. Dr. Skinner might recommend undergoing a series of laser treatment sessions to gain the best results. Spider veins do take time to fade and disappear after treatment. If you are not satisfied with the results of your initial treatment, then you can always schedule another Harmony XL PRO treatment to continue to fade the spider veins until they virtually disappear.
The Alma Harmony XL PRO is an impressive laser that can treat a wide variety of vessel problems. If you have spider veins on the legs, chest, or face, you’ll want to consider undergoing laser treatments to lessen the appearance.
Schedule a spider vein treatment consultation in Huntsville, AL
If you live near Birmingham AL or Southern Tennessee, and have unsightly spider veins, then we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Daniel Skinner at BioWell Therapeutics in Huntsville, AL to discuss treatments with the Alma Harmony XL PRO laser. Dr. Skinner will evaluate your skin’s condition to determine if the laser is an effective treatment choice for your needs.